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Elvenking @ Parma Tattoo Nerd Fest, 15 June 2024 · Metal Hammer Italia

On 06/29/2024, by Debora Zuccarelli.

The Parma Tattoo Nerd Fest, now in its seventh edition, brings Elvenking on stage to close the first day of the convention with their pagan metal.

Due to logistical problems, unfortunately we are unable to participate from the beginning of the show, which features the Draconicons at the opening, followed by Michele Luppi.
In the hope of being able to write about them again on another occasion, we focus on the headliners of the evening.
It’s 10.30pm and the hum of the machines inside the tattoo pavilion has recently stopped.
The stage lights dim and Norse rune names rise into the night introducing ‘Rapture’, which opens the setlist.
The fans in the front rows, already in ecstasy, raise their horns to the sky when Aydan, Jakob, Lethien, Headmatt and Symohn enter the stage. The notes of the single contained in ‘Reader Of The Runes – Rapture’ (2023) resonate in the air and Damna, after having made himself desired, also joins the rest of the band on stage.
The guys are very excited and don’t waste any time, it’s time for another excerpt from their latest studio effort: ‘The Hanging Tree’, which can be heard from Symohn’s drums that thunder in our chests, while the guitars follow him tirelessly with sounds that are new to the ears of the most long-time listener, accustomed to the folk metal rhythms of the previous albums.
After this very fast track, we return to something more “classic” in the Elvenking repertoire with a 2017 album: ‘Secrets Of The Magick Grimoire’, and we listen to a warhorse that is almost never missing from live performances: ‘Draugen’s Maelstrom’.
We allow ourselves a small break from the set list to listen to Damna who tells us some anecdotes relating to an album for the special band: ‘The Pagan Manifesto’ (2014) which turned ten years old last month and the related summer dates which have in their set of milestones from the aforementioned work which happens to be their most important.

Without too much hesitation the public joins in the request to be part of the ‘Pagan Revolution’ (‘The Pagan Manifesto’, 2014) with a choir accompanied by Lethien’s violin and followed by Damna’s voice which now travels in unison with that of those present .
Let’s go back a few years with ‘Silverseal’, a song from the first act of what will soon be a trilogy, namely ‘Reader Of The Runes – Divination’ (2019).
The setlist is full of old and new songs, the frontman never lacks interaction with the audience, thus leaving them constantly involved in this pagan rite that is taking place at the Fiere Di Parma.
Other pieces that we haven’t heard live for a long time are performed to perfection and the hearts of the “older” followers are warmed by the sound of ‘Moonbeam Stone Circle’ and ‘Twilight Of Magic’, both contained in ‘The Pagan Manifesto’ (2014) and essential to relive the emotions that were given to us ten years earlier.
The Parma audience is already super involved when the notes of ‘Divided Heart’ take us back to 2007, the year of ‘The Scythe’ from which the song is taken that is never missing from the setlist as it is one of the most loved ever. It is no coincidence that the same is in fact accompanied by the wild fans who sing, and raising their horns to the sky they jump in time to the very overwhelming refrain.

However, there is an end to everything, so Damna reluctantly announces to us that we have reached the end of the evening, greeting their faithful fandom with ‘Elvenlegions’ dedicated to all those who, for ten years or one day, allow this to happen magic.
We indulge in singing and applause one last time before saying goodbye to the band who, after thanks and the usual photo with the audience, leave the stage for the cartoon-themed DJ set that will follow the show.

The Hanging Tree
Draugen’s Maelstrom
Pagan Revolution
Moonbeam Stone Circle
Bride Of Night
The One We Shall Follow
Black Roses For The Wicked One
Twilight Of Magic
The Divided Heart

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