Italy 24 Press News

Assault on Mondialpol in Sassari: video live on social media

The criminals were seen by a witness as they arrived in Caniga with an articulated lorry with the doors open and with the excavator on top that was then used to break down the wall of the Mondialpol headquarters. The lorry was followed by some cars. Then the shooting started. The manager and customers of a nearby establishment, a brewery, saw armed men, wearing bulletproof vests and balaclavas, who threatened them and invited them to take refuge inside. In the meantime, the alarm was raised with the police. When a Radiomobile car from the Sassari Carabinieri company arrived in Caniga, it was riddled with bullets. The commando then also shot at a traffic police car. From a nearby building, someone broadcast live on social media for about ten minutes the images of what was happening outside the security institute, the sounds of gunshots, the blocked state road, the smoke from vehicles set on fire in several places, the arrival of police cars. Another video shows the excavator brought in by the bandits and used to load bags of money taken from the vault. A couple in a car, instead, filmed one of the bandits armed and with his face covered during a phase of his escape. In another video, also filmed from a nearby building, a bandit dressed in black can be seen operating the excavator while, with gunshots in the background, he breaks through the wall of the building, urged on by the screams of his accomplices who are giving him directions. (AGI)

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