Italy 24 Press News

Man Stabs Brother, Ends Up Near Death: Stopped by Military

June 29, 2024, 11:50

2 min of reading

CATANIA – A call to 112, which occurred in the middle of the night, from the manager of a fast food restaurant in the centre of Catania who reported that outside the restaurant there was a young man with several stab wounds to the neck and was bleeding profusely.

The victim

The police arrived on site and provided assistance a 29-year-old foreigner with deep wounds to his neck. In the meantime, an ambulance had also been alerted and took him to the Emergency Room.

Although in a state of shock, the young man while being transported to the ambulance managed to whisper his brother’s name to the investigators. The injured man, bleeding, was immediately transported to the emergency room of the Garibaldi Centro hospital, but his life was not in danger.

The Carabinieri were able to retrace the route taken by the injured young man, until arriving at his home, a ground floor apartment in the Fortino area of ​​Catania. At that point, the police traced the identity of the young man’s cohabiting brother, a 39-year-old.

Upon their arrival on site, the soldiers found the house empty, but through the glass windows, they managed to glimpse traces of blood on the floor and blood-soaked handkerchiefs scattered everywhere.

The executioner

Therefore, this made investigators assume that most likely the stabbing had occurred precisely in that house and that the injured young man had subsequently moved on foot and bleeding to the nearest commercial business open in the middle of the night, where he could ask for help.

Early the next afternoon, the stabber returned home, where he found the police waiting for him.

Upon his arrival, the 39-year-old showed up with a bandaged hand to cover a cut wound, this last clue consolidated the investigative hypothesis of the soldiers, who at that point searched the house, inside which, precisely on the kitchen sink, they found two knives still soaked in blood, which the suspect evidently did not he had managed to clean it to make the traces disappear.

The man was arrested and placed in precautionary custody at the Catania Piazza Lanza prison, while the reasons that led to the attack are still being examined by investigators.

Leggi qui tutte le notizie di Catania

Published on

June 29, 2024, 11:50

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