Italy 24 Press News

Agrigento Municipal Police Chief Inspector Acquitted of Stalking Charge

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The sole judge of the Agrigento court Nicoletta Sciarratta, has acquitted, for lack of facts, a 52-year-old from Agrigento, chief inspector of the Municipal Police, accused of stalking, aggravated violation of domicile and illicit interference in the private life of people. The man, who has always declared himself innocent of the facts charged to him, had been accused by a German citizen with whom he had had an occasional sentimental relationship, later broken off, of stalking, death threats, insults, harassment, damage, violation of domicile and illicit interference in his private life by acquiring prohibited recordings with special stationmaster equipment.

The woman narrated the facts in a specific complaint, following which the Carabinieri of Realmonte carried out detailed investigations on behalf of the Prosecutor’s Office, following which the Gup of Agrigento requested and then ordered the referral to trial. However, during the trial the accusations made against the chief inspector were not confirmed, also because the woman never showed up to confirm them, although repeatedly summoned to court by the Prosecutor’s Office, even at her known domiciles in Agrigento and Germany, to testify, even though she had constituted herself as a civil party and had communicated to her lawyer that she wanted to testify.

Lawyer Arnaldo Faro, the defendant’s defense attorney, opposed the acquisition of the complaint and other testimonial information given by the woman to the Judicial Police that had been requested by the Public Prosecutor; therefore, each accusation remained without evidence. At the hearing at the end of the trial, both the Public Prosecutor and lawyer Faro requested the defendant’s acquittal. Request accepted by the Court due to the lack of facts.

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