Italy 24 Press News

Electrip inaugurates its HPC charging hub in Valle d’Aosta (10 columns of 180 kW)

Having a widespread charging network is important for facilitate the spread of electric cars. We know this well since we have talked about it several times. We need aacceleration especially on the front of the fast and ultrafast charging stations to allow battery-powered cars to be able to fill up on energy in a short time.

Precisely in this regard, Electrip announced that he has thenaugurated its first high-power charging hub in Italy. The company, born from the collaboration between Wren House Infrastructure LP (WH) and Zorlu Enerji, has already built 600 charging stations in Poland, France, Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia and Turkey. In Italy, it has started the construction of 70 high-power charging stations and 92 charging stations in 7 locations. By the end of the year the company will have 30 sites with 226 charging stations and 322 high-power columns in Italy.

Electrip ha dunque inaugurated its HPC hub at the Autoporto Valle d’Aosta. Inside the structure we find 10 charging stations, each with a power of 180 kW. The hub is strategically located as it will make electric car travel much easier for those heading over the Alps through the Mont Blanc Tunnel.

How much does it cost to top up? Registered users will pay 0.59 euros per kWh for Quick AC charging stations, 0.69 euros per kWh for DC charging stations and 0.79 euros per kWh for HPC charging stations. For unregistered users, prices rise to 0.66 euros per kWh, 0.78 euros per kWh and 0.89 euros per kWh respectively. Charging can be managed through the Electrip app. Alternatively, you can use the apps and cards of operators with which there are interoperability agreements. Nicholas of SaintsChairman of Electrip Global, commented:

The launch of our first high-power charging hub in Valle d’Aosta is a testament to our commitment to innovation and sustainability. We intend to build a robust infrastructure that not only meets the needs of today’s electric vehicle drivers, but also paves the way for the future of sustainable mobility. This facility represents a significant step towards achieving our goal of making electric vehicle charging accessible and convenient for all. The electric vehicle charging network in Italy has seen notable growth in recent years; However, there is still much work to be done to meet the growing demand for efficient and reliable charging solutions. We at electrip aim to bridge this gap. For this reason, we continue to invest in the electric vehicle charging network and in the renewable solutions of the European electric vehicle charging network.

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