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The Lecce market passes through the choices of many big names in Serie A

Bologna likes Pongracic and he could be included in the Emilian negotiations with Juve for Calafiori Photo from the Instagram profile

With the first four transfers now in place, Lecce is in a situation where much will begin to depend on other teams. In particular, in two specific cases.

Bologna-Juve-Real Madrid-Lecce
The first is the one that links four clubs: in addition to Lecce, in fact, Bologna and Juventus are first implicated. In fact, the two clubs in the mood for European cups are discussing the defender Calafiori, protagonist of Euro 2024. Juventus would be well intentioned to buy the player, a fundamental piece of Bologna. If the Emilians were to let their starter leave, they would have to throw themselves into the market to find a replacement. However, at home they have Lucumi’ who last year proved to be absolutely Serie A. But also the presence of the Champions League would push Bologna to strengthen the department. And for the occasion we thought of Pongracic from Lecce. The teams would become four if it is true, as it is true that Real Madrid was also added to the negotiation at the last minute. With a view to reshaping the defence, Gaspar’s arrival in these hours should cover the Salento back line from any departures. The defender is the first Angolan to wear the Giallorossi shirt and has already aroused the interest of many compatriots who have poured their affection on Lecce’s social pages. A riot of Angolan flags greeted the news of the purchase. Lecce will therefore have many fans from outside Europe too. An extra boost for a season that promises to be difficult.

The second is the one that links the destinies of Lecce, Fiorentina and Juventus. It was known that Fiorentina was interested in Lecce striker Nikola Krstovic. Also in this case the inclusion of Juventus seems to have changed the plans. The Viola, in fact, would agree with Kean to strengthen the attack and would let go of Krstovic, allowing him to remain at Lecce for now. The deal seems to be at a good stage and would resolve the issue with the Italian-Ivorian footballer’s move to Tuscany.

Other roads
As for other negotiations, the road from Lecce to Napoli is always open, where Antonio Conte will sit on the bench: Pongracic and Ramadani are being looked after by the Campania club which, like many others, also follows Dorgu. Meanwhile, Lecce is testing the waters for striker Antonio Raimondo, author of nine goals and one assist in the 38 games played last year with Ternana. His market value would be 4.5 million and the owner of the card is the same Bologna mentioned above. It is therefore probable that he will be included in one of the many open negotiations. As for Dorgu, Atalanta would have made some progress as they still consider the 20 million requested by Lecce to be too much and would be inclined to spend around 12/13 of it, perhaps trying to include Piccoli himself in the negotiation even if the player appears very close to Cagliari. In this case it would be a last minute diversion towards Salento.

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