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Rennes: who receives the most subsidies from the town hall?

With more than 70,000 associations, Rennes is one of the most abundant cities in Brittany in this field. To enable them to operate and carry out various projects, the municipality awards subsidies to a majority of them.

A public expenditure that amounts to a total of nearly 55 million euros per year. But which associations are the most supported by the municipality? To find out, Le Télégramme has examined the subsidies paid over the period from 2020 to 2022. Here are the structures that were best endowed over these three years.

1 Centre Communal Action Sociale – 47 409 936 €

A public administrative establishment, the CCAS supports people in precarious situations. It can directly support certain audiences or direct them towards local partners. It is he who examines requests for access to the RSA and then supports the beneficiaries in their socio-professional integration journey. In Rennes, he also deals with requests for the Sortir card and free social public transport.

2 Paul Bert Circle – €10,368,311

The largest association in Rennes with its 13,000 members, the Cercle Paul Bert is also the second largest multi-sport club in France. Created in 1888, the CPB now offers more than 150 activities and employs around 200 people.

3 Brittany National Theater – €9,180,050

Created in 1990 following the merger of the Comédie de l’Ouest and the Maison de la Culture de Rennes, the TNB is a cultural institution which brings together several performance halls and cinemas. As a national drama center, it has a public interest mission of developing the art of theater. On average, the TNB welcomes more than 200,000 spectators each season.

4 Association Rennaise Social Centers – €6,766,212

The ARCS brings together the six social centres located in the heart of the neighbourhoods of Rennes (Carrefour 18, Champs Manceaux, Cleunay, Maurepas, Ty-Blosne, Villejean). These places of welcome, life and meetings are open to all residents. “Our mission: to improve the daily life and cohesion of residents in the heart of our neighbourhoods and in the city”, writes the ARCS on its website. “Our reason for being: to believe in, embody and cultivate living together to create and open up possibilities”.

5 National Orchestra of Brittany – €3,865,925

Founded in 1989, the ONB is a French symphony orchestra made up of around forty permanent musicians who mainly perform at the Rennes Opera. It is a classical type orchestra with woodwind and brass. Previously called the Orchester symphonique de Bretagne, it obtained the prestigious national label in October 2019.

6 Le Triangle Cultural Center – €3,123,877

A regional cultural center, Le Triangle offers dance shows and encourages contemporary choreographic creation.

7 Trans Musicals – €2,919,584

It is one of the largest current music festivals in France. At the end of each year, the Trans Musicales are organized at the Parc Expo and in the city center of Rennes with a program focused on the discovery of artists from around the world. In 2023, the festival brought together more than 50,000 spectators.

8 Nightfall – €2,779,000

A street arts festival created in 1980, Les Tombées de la nuit is organized every year in the streets, squares, parks and neighborhoods of Rennes.

9 TVR The channel – €2,640,000

Created in 1987, it is one of the first local television channels in France. TVR covers news from Rennes, Brittany and Brittany.

10 Community Social Action Committee – €2,443,039

Casdec is an association that allows elected officials of local authorities to provide their employees with benefits and assistance as part of social action. The association’s members are active and retired members of the following local authorities and public institutions: the City of Rennes, Rennes Métropole, the CCAS of the City of Rennes, Archipel Habitat and the Collectivité Eau du Bassin Rennais.

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