Italy 24 Press News

Technologies to support water systems, a conference organized by Gori in Ercolano

Technologies to support water systems, a conference organized by Gori in Ercolano

How to improve and make more efficient the infrastructure of the integrated water service in cities thanks also to the funding of the Pnrr: this is the theme of the conference of the Higher Education School on ‘Advanced and sustainable techniques for improving the performance of water systems’ underway at Villa Campolieto in Ercolano. The seminar, organized by the Italian Hydrotechnical Association with the collaboration of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, the Water Systems Study Center and GORI spa, takes stock, among other things, of the safe use of water resources, aqueduct systems and purification systems. “We must start from basic things that, unfortunately, have not been implemented in recent decades: I am thinking of the collection of wastewater towards the purification plants because when the collection does not take place towards the purification plants, it takes place in the water bodies and reaches the sea. Then, we must focus on containing the fight against water dispersion: we still have too many losses that are around 45% and water is too precious a resource to be wasted” said the vice president of the Campania Region, Fulvio Bonavitacola “Once this is done, we need to use new technologies especially in the purification field where important progress has been made but also on the containment of energy consumption: we are thinking both of purification but also of the movement of water resources along slopes that require lifting stations, and this involves significant energy consumption. Therefore, new technologies are essential for increasingly efficient management of the service”. The event was attended by speakers from professors and engineers, including that of the president of GORI spa, Sabino De Blasi: “The goal of this day is to strengthen collaboration between managers who operate in the area and seal the synergy with the academic world that always provides us with timely and innovative ideas and solutions. If we are able to implement increasingly effective measures, it is thanks to the collaboration with universities that support us in the approach to the latest technologies” explained De Blasi “Among the new opportunities to be implemented, a degree course dedicated specifically to the integrated water service and the creation of a Campania training center specialized in the sector”. The day will end with a round table that will bring together water service managers operating in Southern Italy.

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