Italy 24 Press News

The worst mistake that Torino could make is not giving Vanoli certainties on the market

Cairo and Vagnati

Paolo Vanoli must be put in a position to be able to work at his best immediately and to do so he needs to know which players he will have available when the transfer market closes. Already in retreat in Pinzolo, it will begin on July 17th and end on the 27th even if Torino FC has not yet made the dates official, it will not be able to have those who have been to the European Championship as they will rightly be on holiday, but if they then they will also have to take into account with the uncertainty of whether Tizio or Caio will be sold or not or whether a certain player will be taken or Torino will turn to another for the new coach it will be difficult to prepare the team adequately. The championship will start on the weekend of August 17th and before that there will be the Italian Cup, there is no time to procrastinate..

Torino is known to always be very slow in acting in the transfer market.. Bremer was sold to Juventus on July 20, 2022 and Schuurs arrived on August 18. In that same transfer window, Miranchuk and Vlasic arrived on August 11. Last summer, Vlasic on August 8 and Lazaro on the 23rd had not been redeemed within the terms, and then Zapata was taken on September 1st. These are just a few of the most recent examples, but very significant. The slowness of action and the fact that we always end up setting up incomplete teams both in terms of starters and reserves have always had repercussions on the final results in the end.

Torino should learn from its own mistakes. It takes time for players to learn a new game system and mix them together and if you do it while you already have to prepare for matches with points at stake that count, everything becomes much more complicated. Vanoli needs certainties and not to navigate by sight. Some might think that the market hasn’t even officially started yet, it will open its doors on Monday and close on Friday 30 August, so there’s no need to be alarmed. Wrong, given the precedents in Turin. Precedents, when reiterated over time, certainly count. And if it happens in other clubs too, to be honest: who cares, we’re talking about Toro here.

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