Italy 24 Press News

Barella Swiss Army Knife Italy. Spalletti wants him in control

The Inter midfielder plays multiple roles in Spalletti’s Italy. With Switzerland he will help Fagioli in directing, but not only

Spalletti continues to change his Italy, but one thing always remains the same: Nicolò Barella. Italy turns over and over, there is always a place for the Inter midfielder. Now he will have two new teammates at his side.

“Nicolò Barella is our Swiss Army knife: small, compact and full of useful functions. Give it to any coach in the world and you will make him happy. Born as a recovery and fighting midfielder, he refined his technique to become a goal-scoring attacker. Finally, maturing tactically, he completed his growth to become a full-fledged playmaker. In Inter’s championship-winning season, there is a lot of Barella for this very reason, not just for running and incursions. The unconditional reflex of opposing coaches to press Calhanoglu’s set-up with an attacking midfielder was defused by the help of Nicolò who replaced himself as playmaker, with clear ideas and clean passing. Tonight he will carry out the same function alongside the young Fagioli, more dynamic and aggressive than Jorginho. The new soul of Italy called to fuel the dream in this European Championship could be born in Berlin”, writes La Gazzetta dello Sport.

“Switzerland is an excellent testing ground for the pair, because the Swiss midfielder, solid, compact, expert, is the team’s strong point. Competing with two warriors like Freuler and Xhaka, Mourinho’s former pet, is worth a thorough examination graduation Barella will have to use all his functions: he will have to assist Fagioli’s direction, but also support Cristante in tackling, pressing and chasing the ball and then attack his friend Sommer’s goal, as he happily did at debut against Albania”.

“Barella’s change of pace and acceleration can cause damage to a solid and expert midfielder who, however, certainly does not shine in reactivity, especially in the short term. Precisely because he has matured over the years, broadening his functions, Barella has flooded the field as a lake, he has an impact everywhere and has consequently become a true team man. For this reason (it also happens at Inter) Barella is not only a Swiss army knife, he is also a thermometer of the team: if he plays well, the team almost always takes off too. team. It’s one of the reasons that gives us hope in this European Championship.”adds Gazzetta.

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