Italy 24 Press News

Saint Paul the Apostle in Ragusa, procession tomorrow

While today we celebrate the solemnity of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, tomorrow, for the parish of via Umberto Giordano, in Ragusa, is the day of the procession with the venerated simulacrum of the apostle of the Gentiles. It begins at 9 with the holy mass officiated by Don Giovanni Nobile.

At 11 am the Eucharistic celebration presided over by the parish priest, the priest Mauro Nicosia.

Then, at noon, festive ringing of bells. At 6 pm there will be a tour of the neighborhood by the Alessandro Scarlatti band of Chiaramonte Gulfi.

At 6.30 pm the prayer of the Rosary and the recitation of Vespers. At 7.30 pm the holy mass is scheduled to be presided over by the vicar general of the diocese, the priest Sebastiano Roberto Asta.

Finally, at 8:30 pm, the procession with the venerated simulacrum of the apostle Paul along the following streets: Giordano, Paisiello, Paganini, Leoncavallo, Criscione Lupis, Castagno, Quercia, Meucci, Ferraris, Fermi, Volta (here there will be a stop). And, again, Quercia, Eucalipto, Galvani, Spallanzani (another stop).

And finally, Murri, Sciesa, Pellico, 2 Giugno, Giordano. Following the fireworks display by the company Pirotecnica iblea of ​​Lorenzo Massari.

Upon the return of the procession, the statue of the venerated Saint Paul will be placed back in its niche.

Yesterday, meanwhile, great success for the 20th edition of the pizza festival and for the cabaret starring Massimo Spata, offered by the Free Municipal Consortium of Ragusa.

During the evening, then, games and inflatables for children and teenagers to make these moments even more fun.

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