Italy 24 Press News

Schools in Caserta, construction sites start: anti-discomfort plan in high schools

It will be a summer full of construction sites for many schools of the city while autumn is expected to be hot in terms of inconveniences for teachers, operators and students. The jobs of structural adaptation and anti-seismic interventions, to be carried out with funds from the Pnrrat the artistic high school “San Leucio“, to high school “Giannone” and in high school “Manzoni“. The Province, owner of the properties, is ready to leave, just waiting for the completion of the final exams and the moving of desks and furnishings. However, no decision has yet been made regarding the Headquarters which will have to host the students for the entire duration of the jobswhich should be completed by March 2026. It is also true that the timeline of the interventions will be different from school to school and that in some cases it will be possible to proceed in steps, therefore transferring only some classes, with the aim of avoiding rotations and double shifts and of course guaranteeing educational continuity. «Next week – says the director of the “Manzoni”, Adele Vairo – there will be an initial meeting with the Province to agree on all possible strategies to minimize inconvenience for staff and students. We have already received extensive reassurances on the desire to proceed in a collaborative and synergistic way. For our part, every decision will be the result of a discussion with the families and the school board.” «It is the Province’s task to identify alternative locations – says the director of the art high school Saint Leucio, Imma Nespoli – but we already have a proposal that we consider valid, we will suggest hosting our students in the free classrooms of the decentralized high school headquarters in the former Saint Gobain area where the laboratories, fundamental for our course of study, are also active”.

Despite the interventions already completed, especially in the gyms, they are still there 22 institutes in the province affected by the works. In 90% of cases the construction sites have already started. Those nearing completion concern the canteens: in particular that of the boarding school “Jordan Brown” Of Maddaloni and the boarding school “Case” Of Piedimonte Matesewhile at the “Teeth” Of Santa Maria Capua Vetere are about to begin. Work has also started at the “Leaning” and to “Ferraris Buccini” Of Marcianiseal “Foscolo” Of Theanoal “Fermi” e all’Its “Andreozzi” Of Aversaal “Don Gnocchi” Of Maddaloniallo “Shortcuts Coppola” Of Piedimonte Mateseal “Laces” Of Capua. ISIS has just been builtTime” Of Aversa.

With regard to municipal schools, a solution seems to have been found for primary and nursery school children.Lombardo Radice” in via Roma, which will be demolished and rebuilt as part of the Pnrr projects. The school building manager, Luigi Vitellimade an inspection of a privately owned property, in Corso Giannone which would have been suitable for hosting all classes. The administration will not make the news official until the rental contract is signed but these are premises that extend for approximately 500 square meters. The building is not far from the “De Amicis” and the “Giannone” middle school. This solution, if confirmed, would allow the classrooms in Piazza Cavour, in the Tescione district, to be used by the students of the “Giannone” middle school, pending the completion of the works (just resumed) underway in their building, and to be able to do without the premises of the Bishop’s Palace that have hosted them for the last two years and which will no longer be available from September. The problem of the definitive allocation of the children of the primary school of via Rome at the end of the works because the project revealed that the “Lombardo Radice” will become a nursery school and no longer a primary school. The parents have launched an SOS to the Municipality on this matter. The option of the complex in via Barducci for nursery school children remains open. The topic will be at the center of the IV council commission probably as early as Wednesday. The president Francesco Guida and the members have requested a meeting with the Councillor for Budget, Gerardina Martinoand Vitelli, to gain insight into the progress of the works planned for the complex on Via Roma.


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