Italy 24 Press News

Ama Calabria is ahead of its game to combine culture and tourism

Thirteen titles for the top end-of-year events and the same number for the theater season which will take place as usual at the Comunale di Catanzaro, starting from 25 October. Ama Calabria is moving well in advance with the aim of a modern and effective programming. «Why Catanzaro – the artistic director Francescoantonio Pollice told our Network – it is the regional capital and has the right to be considered exactly like the large Italian regional capitals, where theater programs are presented well in advance to allow local audiences to organize their time; but above all for ensure the presence of spectators who come from outside the region through a series of programs that combine culture and tourism».

In this particular regard attention was paid to the 47th edition of MusicaAmaCalabria which draws between Catanzaro and Lamezia Terme a cultural convergence higher than any bell tower. «It will take place from November 30th to December 29th, therefore – Pollice reiterated – we are presenting it with a good six months in advance to ensure that through the connections we have with tour operators and national international organisations, Calabria can be a land of visits, especially on weekends of the last month of the year. Furthermore, the project has already received a prestigious recognition, the patronage for its high tourist value from Enit”.

As regards the theatre season will be divided into the usual appointments that alternate works that concern the classical tradition of theatre with also new productions. In the varied mix of proposals, from prose to musicals and from ballet to Shakespeare, there is space for a couple of unpublished titles. «I suggest The Black Blues Brothers and Circo Acrobatico – concludes the director – it is the first time that these great artists will be present, similar to those who after our tour in Calabria will go to Australia for three months, and are present in the main theatre seasons all over the world, I would say that this is a real novelty».

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