Italy 24 Press News

rumors of a love affair

Cesena, 29 June 2024 – Silence that you can breathe is almost intimidating. Especially here, in the parish of Villa Chiavichefraction of Cesena which heads towards the countryside and where for years an entire community has reunited under the shadow of the bell tower with a enthusiasm which – these days – has very few precedents. Merit of the priestdon Daniel Bosi who, he says lives in those parts, with his spirit had been able to bring together many faithful. Maybe even too much. And above all perhaps not always with the right approach. “It would be better to change the parish priest’s name to Dongiovanni…” some malicious people joke. In fact, this is what people are talking about today in the streets around the church. A church that Don Daniele left without warning a couple of weeks ago, by decision of the diocese. The reason should be sought in behaviors not in keeping with the cassock held by the priest against at least one parishioner, with whom there would have been approaches which went far beyond religious comfort, resulting in what may have even been a sentimental relationship.

From the diocese no comments on the matter, other than the confirmation that Don Daniele is not in the parish at the momentThe reason given concerns a period of ‘rest and reflection’ to be spent in an isolated location, a monastery located outside the region. Regarding the period indicated, to date the reference is one or two months, even if there are no certainties. It is also yet to be seen whether the priest will return to the city at the end of this period or whether he will be assigned to another reality. The news had spread in the Cesena area for a few days alreadywhen the voices had begun to chase each other, in different tones, divided between moral disapproval, amazement and Boccaccian tones. But not only that, because there are also those who defend the priestfirmly, remembering it generosity, altruism e great attachment to the community. And there are those who go further, returning with memories to November 2022, when Villa Chiaviche faced one of the darkest periods in its history. A 7-year-old boy dies in a car accidentof Islamic faith. Don Daniele knew himwas tied to him and his family. Different faiths, but one pain: Don Daniele spent a lot of effort on that occasionalso organizing a common greeting in the area outside the church, before leaving space for the Islamic rite. The child’s father had hugged him, moved and with a cry, “We are brothers”, impossible to forget.

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