Italy 24 Press News

Female businesses grow with artificial intelligence: Varese is ready

The meeting at Ville Ponti in Varese. At the microphone Mauro Vitiello

VARESE – How can artificial intelligence help the Varese business world, in particular the pink one? The theme was at the center of today’s stage of the “Giro d’Italia of women who do business 2024”, roadshow promoted by Unioncamere which touched Varese with a meeting in the afternoon at the Ville Ponti. The use of technological innovation has been addressed by industry experts and in a round table with the participation of female entrepreneurs and managers (in the video below the interviews).

Varese stop

The project is promoted by Ministry of Business and Made in Italy and financed by the European Union with the resources of the Next Generation Eu that Invitalia – the managing entity – creates in collaboration with Unioncamere. The president of the Varese Chamber of Commerce opened the proceedings Mauro Vitiello. «I think that artificial intelligence is a great game that women can play – she underlined – conscience and intelligence is a combination that must go hand in hand». Then the greeting of the president of the Varese Women’s Entrepreneurship Committee Ilaria Broggian, who recalled the activity of the committee. «We have implemented training activities on welfare, digitalisation, school-work conciliation and training and today we add artificial intelligence to these pieces». The deputy general secretary was present for Unioncamere Tiziana Pompei. «AI can become a tool that will be able to guarantee equality when it will create new jobs and new skills and female entrepreneurs will also be able to find fertile ground for employment. But we have to work for them to be there more women in STEM subjects».

Artificial intelligence is already a reality

So the focus on artificial intelligence, with the interventions of Luca Mari of Liuc, of the doctoral student and teacher Simona Michelon and of Francesca Campolongo, director of digital transformation and data at the JRC of Ispra. Among the examples presented by the latter are the applications of artificial intelligence in the field of public administration. «At the European Commission we ourselves are users of the tool – she said – it can be used for different functions to improve citizen service, for example with chatbots for communication. Furthermore, data analyzed thanks to artificial intelligence can improve the management of public policies. There are many examples of uses already in progress and the European Commission has created a database on this subject.”

Artificial intelligence in pink companies: the national roadshow in Varese

female enterprise artificial intelligence – MALPENSA24

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