Italy 24 Press News

Calabria, liquidity injections for Sacal and Sorical

Oxygen and liquidity are coming for Sacal and Sorical, two of the main participating companies of the Region. After the Senate’s “yes” to the conversion into law of the Cohesion decree, now we await the final green light from the Chamber scheduled for Thursday 4 July. Some measures that closely concern Calabria have been confirmed in the regulatory provision. The text makes explicit reference to financing, recapitalization and capitalization operations of the entity managing the integrated water service of the single regional area – namely Sorical – within the maximum limit of 50 million euros for the year 2024 and 25 million euros for 2025, as well as the regional airport management company – therefore Sacal – always within the maximum limit of 50 million for 2024 and 25 million for the following year.
The exemption is permitted provided that the aforementioned financing, recapitalization and capitalization operations are carried out have as their object the construction of public infrastructures, financial restructuring or the implementation of an already approved investment programme, if the losses, even those lasting several years, are absorbed in their entirety in a financial plan approved by the competent authority.
As regards Sacal, the company that manages the airports of Crotone, Lamezia Terme and Reggio Calabria, a capital increase operation of approximately 75 million is being defined, aimed at providing the company with the adequate own resources necessary to implement the project for the development of the Calabrian airports. In particular, the capital increase is aimed at implementing an investment program within the “Calabria Volare” Institutional Development Contract (CIS) aimed at encouraging the expansion, redevelopment and safety of the three airports present in this region. .

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