Italy 24 Press News

Goodbye to Ezio Schiavetta: few words, great deeds

Deep condolences have been aroused by the passing of Ezio Schiavetta. A great man, group leader of the Albareto Alpini Group for almost 30 years and a rare person with a big heart. Ezio was a pillar of the community, an altruistic man and a tireless volunteer, whose absence will leave an unfillable void in the hearts of many.

The condolence
An illness, although fought with strength and determination, took him away from his beloved family at only 70 years old and from his many friends, leaving an entire community in tears. Ezio Schiavetta was much more than a simple group leader. Three years ago he was elected sectional councilor, a position renewed for the second term, he was responsible for the Sectional headquarters that he had renovated and looked after. His dedication to others was in everything he did. Always present at the town’s events, the creator of national fundraisers and ready to “bend over backwards” for everyone. Last week the National Alpine Association Parma Section awarded him the “Cuore Alpino” prize, which his family collected, a sign of recognition because Ezio “made the difference both for the Group and for the Section”.

The emergency
During the Covid emergency, Ezio stood out for his extraordinary commitment, demonstrating once again his deep sense of responsibility and love for the community. His active participation as a volunteer in the Mushroom Fair, the organization of two sectional rallies in Albareto are just some of the many testimonies of his tireless work for the common good. Ezio was known and respected by everyone. His ability to bring people together and instill courage and hope in difficult times was unique. His work in the Alpini Group was characterized by passion and unparalleled energy, which inspired generations of Alpine soldiers and volunteers. Dismay in the eyes of all my lifelong companions. The president of the Parma Section Angelo Claudio Modolo: «I lose a friend. Ezio was a man of few words but of “great deeds”. He lived for the Group and for the community. He was a point of reference for everyone. We will truly miss him.”

Great emotion also from the municipal administration of Albareto: «A great loss for the community – said the mayor Carlo Berni. «Ezio, had a big heart, he built so much for his Albareto that today loses an extraordinary man, an example that will remain and that we must honor».

Ezio leaves behind his wife Oriana, his children Alessandro and Loris. The funeral took place in the parish church of Albareto on Thursday afternoon.

Rachele Shirt

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