Italy 24 Press News

Music and gastronomy at the south pier – Teramo

GIULIANOVA. Next Monday at 8 pm, “Vetri del Mare” will be held on the southern pier of the port of Giulianova, a concert-event organized by the music and theater company “Primo Riccitelli” of Teramo. The event, presented yesterday morning at a press conference in the suggestive setting of the first caliscendi of the southern pier, saw the participation of the president of the musical association Alessandra Striglioni in Toriand is the result of a collaboration born between Riccitelli, the Municipality of Giulianova, the Teramo “Gaetano Braga” conservatory, the civic museum center, the Port Authority, the Migliori nautical club and the “Caliscendi” association. The “Vetri del Mare” event promises to be a unique experience that will blend sound and visual suggestions with the typical gastronomic specialties of the area. At the end of the concert, in fact, it will be possible to participate in a tasting tour on the caliscendi with local wines and products, the cost of which is included in the entrance ticket. The organizers recommend arriving at the area by 7:00 pm to admire the suggestive sunset seen from the sea. Due to organizational complexity, reservations are appreciated through the Riccitelli sales channels and on Ciaotickets.
“An event like this also wants to be a way to make this extraordinary glimpse of our province known”, comments the mayor Jwan Costantini«considering that the port of Giulianova is the port of call for the entire province of Teramo». The reconfirmed councilor for tourism and events was also present at the conference Marco Di Carlo and the president of the Port Authority Valentino Fabrizio Ferrantewho thanked the Region and the maritime district office of Giulianova for their availability.(s.g.)

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