Italy 24 Press News

Fixed sound level meters in the historic center Taranta claims its paternity – L’Aquila

L’AQUILA. «It is surprising how, at times, opposition figures clumsily attempt not only to create confusion in public opinion, but also to claim paternity of proposals formulated by others, mystifying the reality of the facts».
The councilor is speaking Fabrizio Taranta who replies to the councilor like this Lorenzo Rotellini (The Brave Eagle). «Rotellini states that from his amendment to the Acoustic Classification Plan, approved on May 27th in the city council, the idea of ​​installing devices for measuring noise emissions in the historic center was born. He also states that that proposal was rejected, failing to mention that his and the other amendments presented by the centre-left were rejected because they were presented late compared to the current regulation and lacked technical and accounting opinion. But, even more surreally, it fails to recall that the provision of fixed sound level meters in the squares and streets of the heart of the city was announced several times in the various phases of preparation of the Regulation, which started in 2023, including the discussions and discussions held during the council commission”. Taranta then adds that «if Rotellini had cared enough to ask for information, all the documents available from the Environment sector would have been made available to him, from which he could have easily seen that the first contacts and email exchanges with a specialized company, to have this type of monitoring in the city dates back as far as November 2023. But there’s more. The spirit with which the administration intends to install devices for detecting noise emissions is to be aware of the situation and monitor it, both day and night, as well as to acquire data and, if necessary, intervene where necessary. Contrary to what the opposition intended”, adds Taranta, “that is, positioning the detectors with the sole objective of controlling and sanctioning transgressions, without knowing the cognitive framework as a whole. I well understand the youthful exuberance of the minority exponent, but the advice I feel I can give for the future is to acquire the right information and the necessary documentation to be able to make public statements”.

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