Italy 24 Press News

Run Over and Killed While Crossing Via Brigata Reggio Gazzetta di Reggio

Reggio Emilia He was crossing the road as he had done so many times before, when suddenly he was mowed down by a car. After a few hours he died in hospital. A 75 year old, Giuliano Piccinini, died late Thursday evening after being hit by a car in the morning. It was 9.05 when the crash occurred, which occurred at number 10, in via Brigata Reggio, in the Carrozzone district, on the outskirts of the city.

A Volkswagen Tiguan, driven by a 64-year-old resident in the province, hit Piccinini. The car was coming from the outskirts and was going toward the center. The driver, according to what was stated, did not see the pedestrian and hit him full on. The victim ended up on the ground after the violent impact. The 64-year-old immediately alerted the emergency services. A medical car and an ambulance arrived on the scene. Piccinini was transported to Santa Maria Nuova. Shortly after 9:00 p.m., he died in the intensive care unit.

The local police carried out the investigations to reconstruct the dynamics and ascertain any responsibilities. In via Brigata Reggio the marks on the asphalt are still present, necessary to understand what happened in those fatal moments. The deputy prosecutor of the Reggio Emilia Prosecutor’s Office Stefano Finocchiaro has opened an investigation for road homicide against the 64-year-old, a standard procedure in these cases. The man, according to initial findings, crossed near the pedestrian crossing. The driver of the Volkswagen said she did not see the man because she was blinded by the sun. A very serious problem, this, strongly highlighted also by residents. “Many times those coming from the outskirts and going towards the center are blinded by the sun and do not see pedestrians because there are no signs – reveals a citizen who lives a few meters from the site of the fatal crash -. Once, in the same spot, a boy riding a scooter hit me, while I was driving the van. There are no signs on either side of the road. Even my son has had something happen in the same spot. I have lived here for 30 years and the problem must be solved before new accidents occur. After the crash, Piccinini answered the questions of the rescuers, then I learned with great dismay that he did not make it. Piccinini would have turned 76 in October. He leaves behind his daughter and a brother, along with other relatives who gather around the closest family members in this moment of deep grief.


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