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Reggio, Aiga in discussion on consensual justice

The meeting on the theme: “Consensual Justice – A new way of managing conflicts organized by Nancy StiloLawyer and Civil and Commercial Mediator, with the patronage of Aiga Section of Reggio Calabria and the Mediation Body ADR Intesa.

Given the theme, the event, held in the courtyard of the Church of the Optimates, was aimed at both legal practitioners and ordinary citizens. This is because, as conveyed by most of the speakers, consensual justice means that set of alternative dispute resolution tools, first of all civil and commercial mediation, which place “the person” at the center of conflict resolution . Tools which, unlike the ordinary justice system, which tends to establish who is right and who is wrong, aim to heal the relationship between disputing parties by helping them to find an agreement, a solution that is satisfactory for both.

In this sense she expressed herself Tiziana Rumi, of the “Mediterranea” University, talking about civil mediation as a conflict management tool to safeguard human relations. A provocation, however, launched by the lawyer. Giuseppe Mazzotta who, following an examination of the employment law sector, has proposed the workplace as a possible tool for resolving conflicts.

Stefano MusolinoDeputy Prosecutor in Reggio Calabria and National Secretary of Democratic Magistracy, then focused on conflict as the basis of criminal law, adhering to a perspective attentive to the mediation of conflicts and the repair of their lacerating outcomes. He then spoke, Luciano Gerardisformer President of the Court of Appeal of Reggio Calabria, bringing his point of view and his experience as a witness to these developments in the justice system, highlighting some critical issues.

Finally, the precious intervention of the Jesuit Father aroused much attention Sergio Ucciardo on the human and existential implications connected to the relationship between conflict and mediation. The conclusions were assigned to Patrizia Praticò co-author – together with Nancy Stilo and other authoritative authors – of the book, published by Curcio Editore, “Justice the new challenges. The help comes from mediation”, which focused on Mediation in the educational field.

Faced with the difficulty in managing conflicts and the possible violent reactions that derive from them, it is necessary, even in schools, to activate processes of recovery of relational resources and educational mediation represents the concrete way to deal with the current conflict emergency, teaching take care of each other. School mediation represents the best prevention tool, educating young people to deal with their emotions, with respect for rules and for others.

If consensual justice was born, therefore, initially, to make up for the failure or inefficiency of the ordinary justice system, in order to respond promptly to the needs of citizens and the protection of their rights; the experience of Mediation, starting from the scholastic one up to the civil one, is instead part of a broader educational project of socialization and mutual valorization, in which conflict management becomes a reason for the person’s cultural growth, an opportunity to learn to understand the other’s point of view, without making your own absolute.

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