Italy 24 Press News

High Impact, 112 people checked in Ancona – Ancona-Osimo News – CentroPagina

ANCONA – The service checks continue incessantly High Impact wanted by the Police Chief of Ancona Cesare Capocasa, in agreement with the Doric Prefect Saverio Ordine. The service took place this morning and ended a short while ago, it was operated by the police officers of the Crime Prevention Unit of Perugia together with the operators of the Doric Police Headquarters and involved the Piano, the Archi, the Station as well as several commercial establishments. Vehicles, commercial establishments and people were checked, including subjects subjected to restrictive measures of personal freedom, through patrols by the police officers of the Police Headquarters and the Crime Prevention Units.

They were 112 the identified peopleof which approximately 64 i subjects burdened by precedents Judicial and Police. During the service, the policemen, also thanks to the help of their police officers engaged in daily control of the territory, referred a person because he was found to be in possession of a residence permit which had expired for some time.

Specifically, the man, a Gambian of about 33 years old, was subjected to a check and was found to be illegal on the national territory, therefore he was accompanied to the Police Headquarters and here he was notified of an expulsion order, he was also referred to the AG for the crime of illegal entry and stay in the territory of the State.

Furthermore, during the service, the police officers intervened near Piazza Ugo Bassi where local transport personnel reported the presence of a troublesome man on board a bus who was bothering passengers. Identified and transported to the local hospital, the man was found to be in a state of psychophysical alteration due to alcohol abuse and, therefore, troublesome. He was a Somali citizen – legal on the national territory – aged 42.

Finally, a 34-year-old Egyptian citizen with numerous criminal records for drug-related crimes, resisting a police officer, threats and stalking of his ex-partner, who had already been the recipient of precautionary measures, was accompanied by the police to the Repatriation Detention Center in Brindisi. Here the man will remain while awaiting the repatriation charter to Egypt. In this way it was possible to prevent him from repeating his illicit conduct, through his physical removal from the Doric territory.

The police commissioner of Ancona: «Our commitment to guarantee safety, livability and to give impetus to an improvement in the quality of life of all resident citizens is constant. Always being there means working constantly on integration, on services and on the prevention of incivility and illegality».

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