Italy 24 Press News

the 71 million euro tender is underway

The resolution approving the executive project was published today, Friday 28 June, with the announcement of the European tender for the construction of the new monoblock of the Foggia Polyclinic. The structure will host four departments for a total of 108 beds, clinics, reception spaces, staff changing rooms and storage areas.

The total cost of the works, which include the demolition and reconstruction of the Monoblocco, is 71 million euros. The award is expected by the end of 2024.

“At this important milestone – says the general manager Giuseppe Pasqualone – the construction of six new operating rooms is added to the Deu, Department of Emergency and Urgency. The tender with regional funding of ten million euros has been awarded and the start of the works is scheduled for July 15, with delivery no later than December 31 of this year. Among these six operating rooms, a high-tech hybrid room will also be built for operations involving multiple specialists”.

Work is also continuing on the spaces that will temporarily house the Cardiac Surgery department, pending its placement at the Deu, and the procedures for recruiting staff. An agreement has been signed with the Local Health Authority of Potenza for support activities for the Cardiac Anesthesia service. The opening of the department, directed by Professor Domenico Paparella, will take place by next September.

“These goals are a sign that, thanks to careful management, the face of the company is changing – DG Pasqualone remarks –. There are many games that we are closing with the aim of improving healthcare for citizens. The renovation projects for the General Surgery, Neurosurgery and Orthopedics departments have been defined with work starting by 15 September. Furthermore, a solution has been identified aimed at the acquisition of a new area for the construction of analysis laboratories while still guaranteeing continuity in the provision of services”.

Regional funding of 2.6 million euros is also foreseen for the transfusion workshop of the Lastaria hospital in Lucera which “it will be a point of reference for the northern area of ​​the Apulian territory. The tender will be published by the month of July”says the general director.

“I want to thank – concludes Pasqualone – the Personnel, Assets and Technical Management Areas for the important teamwork. Special thanks go to the administrative director Elisabetta Esposito and to the engineer Giuseppe Perrone for the expertise and commitment shown that have allowed us to achieve all these extraordinary results”.

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