Italy 24 Press News

Legnano: Solidarity Opera is back

It is a tribute to Giacomo Puccini, on the centenary of his death, the Opera di Solidarietà 2024, the annual event that Bcc di Busto Garolfo and Buguggiate, Ccr Insieme Ets, orchestra and symphony choir Amadeus, in collaboration with the Parish of San Magno and the Municipality of Legnano, propose with the aim of raising funds for charity.

The charity concert represents a historic moment for the Banca di Credito Cooperativo to promote the values ​​of mutuality, cooperation and support for the territory. The recipient of the funds that will be raised during this year’s evening is the Legnanese Odv “Santi Domenico e Magno” and the appointment is for Saturday 29 June, starting at 9 pm, with free admission until all seats are taken, in the courtyard of Palazzo Malinverni in Piazza San Magno (in case of bad weather the concert will move to the nearby Basilica of San Magno), with the orchestra and the Amadeus symphonic choir directed by maestro Marco Raimondi and with the participation of soprano Claire Nesti.

«Like every year, we renew the union between music and charity by calling together the Legnanese area – says the president of the Bcc of Busto Garolfo and Buguggiate, Roberto Scazzosi -. This event represents a moment of great importance for our community, not only for the opportunity to enjoy an evening of extraordinary music, but above all for the solidarity value it brings with it. The volunteer work carried out by those who dedicate themselves with passion and dedication to supporting people in difficulty is fundamental to building a more just and inclusive society. Our bank firmly believes in the importance of supporting such initiatives, because we are convinced that a united and supportive community is the key to a better future. I invite everyone to join us on this special evening, to demonstrate once again that together we can achieve great things.”

The mayor of Legnano, Lorenzo Radice, declares: «Since 2012 Opera di Solidarietà has been a fixed appointment in the rich program of summer events in the city due to a very specific peculiarity; music sets the tone to trigger a virtuous mechanism that transforms the concert audience into a community sensitive to social issues. It is no coincidence that the BCC of Busto Garolfo and Buguggiate, then, chose our city for this meritorious initiative and it does not surprise me that, after 12 years, the appointment is renewed with punctual success; a sign that solidarity has always been at home in Legnano. I renew my thanks to the BCC for giving us, again this year, an evening of great music which – I am sure – will thrill many people from Legnano”.

«I am happy and I thank Ccr Insieme Ets and the Bcc of Busto Garolfo and Buguggiate for thinking of us and for supporting us in the activity we carry out in favor of disadvantaged people due to physical, mental, economic, social or family conditions – says Silvia Leoni, president of Santi Domenico e Magno Odv-. Our initial vocation was that of an after-school program for secondary school children in difficulty, upon recommendation and in collaboration with the schools. Furthermore, over time, just as we have expanded our range of action from the districts of the parishes of San Magno di San Domenico to the rest of the city, we have created further services. The reception and listening desk for teenagers with difficulties, the Italian school for foreigners, initially only for women and now for everyone, the listening group for families and, for a couple of years, the workshop path “Space for you “, designed to let children with greater learning difficulties experiment with manual activities.”

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