Italy 24 Press News

Football, Ravenna Fc now has a new logo

President Cipriani: «Symbol of renewal, a beacon towards new successes»

Il Ravenna Football Club 1913 (after the new shirt) officially announces the restyling of its own logo, “a renewed emblem that represents the perfect combination of our history and a more modern and dynamic vision projected towards the future”, reads the company’s note.

“The restyling of the logo – explains the press release – starts from the beating heart of our roots, honoring the 111 years of history that have forged our identity and our team spirit. Each element of the new design has been carefully chosen to reflect our tradition, with an innovative touch that makes it modern, contemporary and versatile. The colors that characterize us, yellow and red, are emphasized, declined in shades that recall Venetian gold and the purple of the Roman Empire. The Lions, a symbol of the city since always, have been modernized and remain protagonists of our identity”.

«We are thrilled to present the restyling of the Ravenna Football Club 1913 logo – he comments the new president, Ignazio Cipriani -, a change that not only respects our deep heritage, but also marks the beginning of a new era for our club. We felt the need to make a change in our communication and visibility of the company, maintaining what has been done well so far but decisively changing gear towards a future that can be full of emotions for the city of Ravenna. This new logo is a symbol of this process of renewal, a beacon that will guide our path towards new victories and new successes. We want our fans, wherever they are, to feel proud to wear our colors and to proudly display our new emblem. The lions must roar again».

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