Italy 24 Press News

Siena Courier

The relationship between the Sienese Aou and the world of the districts has been strengthened. A new one was signed in the building of the management center of the Scotte polyclinic protocol which has precisely this objective. The work and activities will be bidirectional: professionals from the Scotte will carry out training and prevention initiatives in the districts, and the districts will open the doors of their museums to professionals and also to guests of the hospital. The agreement, which is valid for three years, was signed by the general director of the Siena University Hospital Company Antonio Barretta and by the rector of the District Magistrate Emanuele Squarci.

A whole series of initiatives will therefore be implemented, already thought out and which will be implemented starting from the next autumn period. Among the objectives are the desire to support health protection and promotion initiatives; promote and raise awareness of the services, activities, organisation, particularities and excellence of the Sienese university hospital; enhance the sense of belonging and the cultural bond between hospital and city; promote the history and culture of the city of Siena, with particular attention to the Palio and its identity, towards patients and their relatives, guests and international delegations.

Through the “Contrada in shape” format, in-depth and scientific dissemination events will be organized in the contrada offices with professionals from the Aou Senese to talk about various pathologies. Then there will be “Contrada in salute”, meetings dedicated to prevention with free visits or tests by professionals from the Aou Senese, using the portable equipment provided by the hospital. The contradas will open their doors with “Our history, our future”, visits aimed at professionals from the Santa Maria alle Scotte hospital in the contrada museums. “Conosciamo le contrade” is instead the title of the initiative that includes guided visits to the contrada museums also reserved for patients and their families with an agreed calendar. Also planned are the Agorà Aou Senese events, a cultural format of the Santa Maria alle Scotte hospital, which will be dedicated to the Palio and the contradas, with dissemination meetings and book presentations dedicated to this theme.

Commented the director of Scotte, Antonio Barretta: “Being able to collaborate with the Magistrate of the districts and with the seventeen sisters is a great opportunity for the Sienese Aou to open up even more to the city. The hospital must increasingly become an open place, of welcome, sharing and collaboration as well as, obviously, a place of health. With this protocol the Sienese Aou opens up further to the city, strengthening and fortifying the historic relationship with the districts, the city and the citizens of Siena”.

“I believe that the world of the districts has been around for some time now – he declared Emanuele Squarci, rector of the district magistracy – has demonstrated its attention towards the significant aspects of the city’s reality, even those which, at first glance, may seem less directly related to its activities. From this perspective, the response to the collaboration proposal from the Sienese Aou could only be positive with the shared intention of reiterating and consolidating the inseparable relationship between the city, of which the districts constitute an essential component, and the hospital, a prestigious city institution and current national excellence, a fundamental point of reference for the Sienese, and not only, with regards to the protection of their health and, last but not least, always a place of work for many of them”.

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