Italy 24 Press News

“Tari, we managed to limit the increase to 6% instead of 15%”

Viterbo – Municipality – Mayor Frontini and Councillor Angiani (Budget) respond to opposition criticism following waste tariff increases

Viterbo – City Council – Ciorba and Frontini

Viterbo – We receive and publish – “With the increase in the cost of petrol, electricity and practically every basic necessity, thanks to the wicked choices of those who govern us, inflation is galloping and we should have increased the Tari by more than 15% because the law requires that all costs go into the bill. Instead, after the zero increases last year, this year too we managed to limit the average increase to 6% instead of 15%”. Mayor Chiara Frontini says this in response to the criticisms made by minorities.

“But we are not there, because we are at the service of the citizens of Viterbo, not the tax collectors. We have done our part, now the government must do its part, reviewing the calculation mechanism of the Economic and Financial Plan at the base of the TARI as ANCI has been asking for years” adds Frontini.

Councillor for the Budget Elena Angiani explains: “The pricing system does not yet allow us to have a certain figure, however the increase in the cost of the service compared to 2023 is 6%”. But what did this accounting maneuver consist of?

The councilor explains that: “The waste operating system is managed through an autonomous financial economic plan (Pef). The law provides that within the PEF a prudential allocation of funds can be foreseen which has the aim of guaranteeing the maintenance of the balance of the economic plan. The municipal budget also includes a reserve fund to cover any missed collections. The operation we did to keep the increase in the TARI under control was to maintain the provision in the budget and reduce as much as possible the PEF reserve fund which would have constituted an additional cost to be covered by the tax while keeping the tax intact. provision in the balance sheet.

It is clear that prudentially “freezing” budget funds means reducing the spending capacity of the institution but the alternative would have been to burden citizens and businesses with an additional 2 million and in this moment of extreme difficulty we did not consider it appropriate to make the choice, hoped for by some opposition members in the city council, to propose a much larger increase in the TARI”.

Municipal administration of Viterbo

Articles: Rocchi to the municipality on loan for use and Tari increased – Allegrini: “Tari, FdI will fight to include in the budget tax relief for production categories for which a strong increase is expected” – Micci (Lega): “Tari blow for restaurants, bars and fruit and vegetables with increases of up to 40%”

June 28, 2024

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