Italy 24 Press News

“Contributions are ready for those who purchase and install autoclave systems”

PESCARA – “Trying to limit the inconvenience caused by water shortages, which unfortunately are making themselves felt again this year, through the provision of non-repayable contributions for the purchase and installation of autoclave systems in residential buildings that do not have them. The second public notice has been released, after the one in March, to obtain them. Applications must be submitted by August 31st.” This was announced by the leader of the League in the Region and president of the first Budget commission, Vincenzo D’Incecco. “Abruzzo families now have this opportunity thanks to a bill (22/08/2022 n.26), proposed by the League and approved by the Regional Council in the last legislature. The project, financed with over 850 thousand euros, had and has the objective of promoting the adaptation and technological innovation of the existing residential heritage built before 1990 and of course guaranteeing citizens optimal hygienic-sanitary conditions, always being able to count, especially in the summer period with high temperatures, on the flow of water. In detail – adds D’Incecco – a non-repayable contribution is foreseen, provided by Ersi, between 250 euros and 1,500 euros for each suitable building. Through this initiative, the result of listening to the territory, we want to give concrete support to Abruzzo families, who must never lack water”.

All information on the public notice can be found on -for the purchase-and-installation-of-autoclave-systems-expires-31-08-2024/


water shortage Autoclave systems L’Aquila Vincenzo d’Incecco Lega

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