Italy 24 Press News

“Provisions to limit outdoor cultivation and breeding”. The ordinance comes into force

Mayor Stefano Bandecchi has signed a new ordinance limiting outdoor cultivation and breeding in the Prisciano area. The current provision replaces the 2016 one and specifies the bans more precisely despite affecting the same areas. As indicated in the document, which can be consulted in the specific section of the Municipality of Terni, the following is specified:

“All owners or users of the specified lands are ordered: to prohibit the cultivation outdoors of vegetables intended for human or animal consumption; such products may be cultivated for human or animal consumption only if constantly maintained in a greenhouse for the entire cultivation period, until harvest; fruit products may also be cultivated outdoors, but with the obligation to wash them carefully before consumption; the prohibition of outdoor breeding of animals intended for consumption”.

Furthermore: “All owners of land included in the urban area of ​​Terni and outside the areas identified above are invited (ORDER), where intended for the cultivation of fruit and vegetables, to adopt, as a good hygiene and health practice, thorough washing after harvesting or in any case before food consumption; to this end, the procedure recommended by the Ministry of Health is highlighted”.

The ordinance states that: “These measures were made necessary by the persistence of environmental criticalities in the Prisciano area, as also highlighted by the Usl Umbria 2, following the results of monitoring carried out on food matrices of plant and animal origin with respect to pollution by dioxins, dioxin-like PCBs and heavy metals”.

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