Italy 24 Press News

The new parliament of Perugia, 32 councilors proclaimed


PERUGIA – No surprises for the 32 names that make up the small parliament of Palazzo dei Priori. On Friday 28 June the majority and opposition municipal councilors were officially proclaimed. All while waiting for the subrogations that will be carried out once the mayor Vittoria Ferdinandi announces the councilors of her council.


Sorry for the advance/ Here is the mayor Ferdinandi’s council. The University Party leads. Grumbles from the ultra-left

For the majority, the 9 councilors of the Democratic Party are: Costanza Spera, Lorenzo Ermenegildi Zurlo, Francesco Zuccherini, Elena Ranfa, Francesca Pasquino, Nicola Paciotti, Silvia Pannacci, Marko Hromis and Niccolò Ragni. The 4 seats of Anima Perugia are occupied by Riccardo Vescovi, David Grohmann, Laura Tanci and Simone Cenci. For Pensa Perugia Lorenzo Mazzanti and Cesare Carini enter, while for the 5 Star Movement there are Francesca Tizi and Antonio Donato. The picture is completed by Fabrizio Croce of Orchestra per la Vittoria, Lorenzo Falisticco for Alleanza Verdi Sinistra and Fabrizio Ferranti of Perugia for public health.

Among the benches of the centre-right minority, in addition to the defeated mayoral candidate Margherita Scoccia, there are 5 councilors of Fratelli d’Italia: Matteo Giambartolomei, Riccardo Mencaglia, Nicola Volpi, Clara Pastorelli, Paolo Befani. There are 3 seats for Fare Perugia with Romizi-Forza Italia: Edoardo Gentili, Augusto Peltristo and Gianluca Tuteri. Perugia civica is represented by Nilo Arcudi and Chiara Calzoni. The Progetto Perugia monogroup is made up of Leonardo Varasano.


Subrogation question. If Spera, Zuccherini and Ranfa were to join the PD group, the first, second and third of the non-elected members of the Dem list would join, namely: Federico Balducci, Federico Maria Phellas and Francesco Maria Perrotta. In the Anima Perugia group, in the event of Ghromann’s appointment as councilor, Federico De Salvo would be proclaimed councillor. For the 5 Star Movement, Tizi’s place in pole position for a councilorship would go to one of Giuseppe Pennino or Stefano Nuzzo (both tied with 87 preferences). Lucia Maddoli would exchange the baton with Croce (also in the fray of the junta) in the Orchestra per la Vittoria group. The position of Avs councilor, if Falistocco entered the city government, would be taken by Alice Spilla.

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