Italy 24 Press News

“Scenes that violate human dignity in front of the INPS headquarters in Brindisi”

We receive and publish a joint note from the opposition municipal councilors of the Municipality of Brindisi (Francesco Cannalire, Riccardo Rossi, Roberto Fusco, Lino Luperti, Alessio Carbonella, Denise Aggiano, Diego Rachiero, Alessandro Antonino, Rino Giannace, Pierpaolo Strippoli, Giampaolo D’Onofrio , Michelangelo Greco)

The scenes we witness almost every day near the INPS offices in Brindisi undermine the human dignity of many citizens with limited walking ability who are forced to present themselves at the institute’s offices to undergo an examination. In fact, it is not acceptable to witness the transport of disabled people to the disability commissions forced on stretchers and wheelchairs, due to the inexplicable and continuing inefficiency for the reactivation of home visits suspended due to the Covid emergency.

This lack of sensitivity towards many citizens of Brindisi and its province, among the most fragile and weakest sections of the citizenry, is unjustifiable, who, due to the indifference of some cynical bureaucrats, are also forced to shoulder the costs of transport from their home to report to the INPS medical college.

For this reason, we ask the intervention of the President of the Province, Toni Matarrelli, and the Mayor of Brindisi, Pino Marchionna, to urge the general management of INPS to immediately activate the system of home visits of the collegial commission for disabilities.

In the meantime, in the next few days we will ask for a meeting with the territorial director of INPS in Brindisi to reiterate our appeal and evaluate every possible action to protect the most vulnerable citizens.

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