Italy 24 Press News

Press review 28-06-2024 Calabria editions

Here are some of the main headlines you can read in the paper edition of Gazzetta del Sud – Calabria:

Calabria, three options on differentiated autonomy

Verification at the Municipality of Catanzaro, time for discussions: the Democratic Party does not intend to be an extra

Lamezia, the “war” of nerves between the members of the Northern League in view of the 2025 municipal elections

Crotone, new step in the “Glicine Acheronte” investigation: Sculco denies the accusations made against him but will go to trial

Romolo Hospital Case in Rocca di Neto, Accreditation Arrives

Port of Tropea, the president is “out”: the commission revokes the appointment

PD of Cosenza hit by controversy after the expulsion of councilors

School, training courses to become a teacher are starting. Here’s who can follow them and where

Corigliano Rossano, Stasi’s choices: Novello, Argentino and Mitidieri in the team

Beaches without walkways, sea forbidden in Corigliano Rossano to people with disabilities

Rossano, in the emergency room square you are groping in the dark

Transport in the Sibaritide, Uber arrives but it costs the same as the Frecciarossa

Montalto, Faragalli promises balance: “I will be everyone’s mayor”

Reggio, Lido Comunale towards reopening after the season of decay

Tourism, the time has come to get serious in Reggio

Reggio, medical errors in the departments of the Ospedali Riuniti: the crimes are time-barred but there will be compensation for damages

Gioia Tauro, Simona Scarcella: «I will not betray your trust»

Brancaleone, this afternoon the last farewell to Antonio, Domenica and Santina

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