Italy 24 Press News

From Gangi to the Democratic Party, the Avs group is born

June 28, 2024, 1:57 PM

3 min of reading

PALERMO – The European elections are causing, as expected, a domino effect also on local politics, especially on the left. If Fabio Giambrone e Alberto Mangano they give life to the Avs group, in the wake of the election in Brussels of Leoluca Orlandothe Democratic Party welcomes Mariangela Of Gangi elected with the “Palermo Project”.

Bonafoni: “PD leads the coalition”

And’membership made official during a press conference in the presence of the regional secretary Anthony Barbagallo, the coordinator of the national secretariat Marta Bonafoni and the deputies Valentina Chinnici and Giuseppe Lupo.

“The Democratic Party won the last European elections, increasing its votes also in real terms – said Bonafoni – and recovering part of the abstentions. We found a party at 14% and considered subordinate, incapable of leading the coalition while today we tell another story. Mariangela Di Gangi does not enter alone and does so in a space that will have to be increasingly larger for those who will arrive in the future”.

Barbagallo: “Moderates? No to new mistakes”

“After the summer we will start the conference season – has explained Barbagallo – in which we will open the party even more to fresh forces: civil society, associations, those who, like Mariangela, fight for the least. The election result makes us responsible as the center of gravity of the alternative, we must bring together all the forces that want to be an alternative to the Schifani government, like Avs”.

And the moderates? “A topic that remains on the agenda – adds the secretary – but the coalition must recognize itself in an idea of ​​Sicily. Gaetano Armao was a candidate with the Terzo Polo and is now in the running to enter the regional council; Fabrizio Ferrandelli ran against Roberto Lagalla and is now his assessor. These are facts that should make us reflect, we cannot make mistakes”.

Di Gangi: “My current is the Democratic Party”

The protagonist of the day is Di Gangi, welcomed with a bouquet of flowers: active in the third sector, especially in Zen, elected to the municipal council but in the last European elections she campaigned for the Democratic Party.

“Mine is not the registration of a single municipal councilor – he said – but the membership of a group of girls and boys who want to innovate the way of doing politics. The Democratic Party is experiencing a phase of authentic broadening of vision and characterization of its identity. Today the party demonstrates that it has what it takes to be the linchpin of the left-wing coalition. What if I sign up for a current? My current is the Democratic Party”.

“No to Varchi’s right”

However, there is no shortage of jabs directed at the centre-right. “We are the city of Carolina Varchi (MP of Fdi, ndr) – adds Di Gangi – that is, the symbol of a right that does not want inclusion. A strong message arrives from Palermo: our opponent is the mayor Roberto Lagalla who cannot be everything and the opposite of everything. It participates in Pride but has in its coalition parties with positions that should stay out of the life of this city in 2024; he approves the amnesty for the occupation of confiscated assets and then gives in to Fdi, blocking it.”

Walnut and Zen

A day that will continue with meetings at Noce, Zen and in other suburbs of the city together with Bonafoni. “We are certain that Mariangela will be an important resource in the city council and who will work like us to make an even stronger PD”, commented the group leader Rosario Arcoleo and the provincial secretary Rosario Filoramo.

The movements on the left

A move that brings the Democratic group to four members and in which there could soon be other news: on July 16th there will be the official installation of the new MEPs and Joseph Wolf could leave his seat on the council to Fabio Teresi. An eventuality that is far from remote and which the party is discussing.

Whoever does not join the Democratic Party, despite having campaigned for the Dems, will be Massimiliano Giaconia which will end up at the Misto group where it finds Carmelo Miceli. The third component of Progetto Palermo, Alberto Manganowill merge with Fabio Giambrone (formerly Pd) in the newly formed Avs group, following in the footsteps of Leoluca Orlando. He will not move instead Frank Micelialready candidate for mayor of the centre-left.

Leggi qui tutte le notizie di Palermo

Published on

June 28, 2024, 1.57pm

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