Italy 24 Press News

«Satisfied with the meeting on cohesion funds»

«The meeting is over good overall. There was a small technical adjustment to be made. This afternoon a meeting was scheduled between the technical structures of the ministries and the Management Authority of the Campania Region. Several ministries had made a request to load national interventions onto regional funds. We gave a reasonable opening but we cannot imagine using regional funds to replace national ministries. It would seem exaggerated to me.”

Thus the president of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Lucaon the meetings held in Rome regarding the cohesion funds.

«It seems to me – he adds – that the conditions are being determined to stipulate, finally after a year, the cohesion agreement between the Campania Region and the Ministry of Cohesion. The most delicate point was with the Ministry of Infrastructure on which there was full agreement regarding our interventions and those foreseen by the ministerial level. For what the comparison was yesterday, I express my full satisfaction. I hope that in these hours we will be given a final copy of the cohesion agreement which will then have to be signed by the President of the Region and the President of the Council”.


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