Italy 24 Press News

Antonioni Space. The experience of the Nucleus between Ferrara and Argentina

The short film will be screened on Thursday 27 June at 9 pm at Spazio Antonioni Windows on suspended time created as part of the “Michelangelo Antonioni. The revolution of the gaze starts from Ferrara” organized by the Municipality of Ferrara – Department of Culture in collaboration with Teatro Nucleo, Fondazione Ferrara Arte, Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Ferrara, with the support of the Consulta of Emilia Romagna people in the world.

On the occasion of the free event, it will also be possible to freely visit the Spazio Antonioni in the evening, exceptionally open until 11 pm.

The screening will be an opportunity to share the experience of the project between Italy and Argentina. There is a common thread that connects Michelangelo Antonioni, Ferrara and Argentina: it was the story of the Argentine writer Julio Cortàzar, “The Devil’s Basterds”, that inspired the screenplay for Blow Up, one of the most famous films by the filmmaker born in Ferrara. And it is precisely from the Julio Cortàzar theater in Pontelagoscuro (Ferrara), home of the Teatro Nucleo, founded by Argentines Horacio Czertok and Cora Herrendorf, that the project dedicated to this master of cinema was launched through the webinar “Beyond the Visible”, designed to delve deeper into the themes addressed by the director in his films, in preparation for the performance workshop curated by the Teatro Nucleo, which was held in Buenos Aires last September.

In September 2023, in fact, “Paisajes con figuras” took place in Buenos Aires, a performance workshop curated by Natasha Czertok, actress and director of the Teatro Nucleo, in collaboration with the theater company Grupo de Teatro Callejero la Runfla, focused on images and themes proposed by the director from Ferrara.

The workshop saw the participation of actresses and actors, and students of EMAD – Escuela Metropolitana de Arte Dramatico of Buenos Aires as listeners. Starting from the vision of some films (in particular Deserto Rosso, La Notte, L’Eclisse) and from a shared reflection on the peculiarities of Antonioni’s cinema, which reflects the emotions and experiences of the characters in the landscape, and from some poetic texts by Cortazar, master of the short story and the experimental novel, the site-specific theatrical creation and video theater workshop took place in the spaces of Parque Avellaneda, with the collaboration of the videomaker Sebastian Pessacq and directed by Natasha Czertok. Actresses in the short film: Fiorella Sozzi, Guillermina Zalba, Malena Suhcled, Leticia Leiva, Diana Montalva.

“Spazio Antonioni, with this initiative, confirms itself as a new museum center aimed at becoming a space open to experimentation, sharing and dialogue between the arts,” says the Councilor for Culture, Marco Gulinelli. “Both artists – he continues – addressed themes of perception, identity and mystery, creating works that challenge traditional boundaries. In one way or another, Cortázar and Antonioni are linked by their search for new perspectives and the ability to make us reflect on the complexity of the world around us. Thanks to the Teatro Comunale to its staff, to the Teatro Nucleo for giving us the opportunity to explore the relationship between reality and image, just like the writing of the Argentine author and the films of our great master in the splendid setting of his home: the Spazio Antonioni which is the home of all art and its contaminations”.

The project was also made possible thanks to the collaboration of various partners – AERCOR (Emilia Romagna association of Cordoba – Argentina), Nettuno association (Emilia Romagna association of Oberà-Misiones – Argentina), URERBA (Regional Union of Emilia Romagna of Buenos Aires), association New Generations – Earth (Emilia Romagna association of Mar del Plata – Argentina), association of descendants of Emilia Romagna of Pergamino-Argentina, Instituto Gino Germani de Buenos Aires cátedra de Psicología socio-comunitaria de Carrera de Educación para la Salud, de la facultad de Humanidades, ciencias sociales y de la health (National University of Santiago del Estero) and La Runfla Teatro Callejero (Buenos Aires).

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