Italy 24 Press News

«My thanks as an institution and as a citizen»

This morning, the speech of the Prefect Luigi Carnevale opened the works of the city council.

FASANO – Fasano was the prestigious venue of the recent G7 summit, an event that highlighted the excellence of the local community and the effectiveness of the institutions in guaranteeing the success of a global meeting. After months of intense preparation, commitment and collaboration, the Fasano City Council, which met this morning, Friday 28 June, hosted the Prefect of Brindisi, Luigi Carnevale, who opened the session with heartfelt thanks to the city and its inhabitants.

The mayor of Fasano, Francesco Zaccaria, expressed gratitude and pride for the work done: «Thank you for being here, to seal these six months of work which have seen us, side by side, committed to organizing an event that happens once in a lifetime. life. Having been among the protagonists is certainly an experience that we will carry with us forever, not only on a personal level, but also as a community. Fasano was a very disciplined city and attentive to the needs of the ordinary daily life of the citizens themselves. This event gave us the opportunity to present ourselves to the world in a completely new guise and this makes us understand that the State, when it wants, intervenes in a decisive and decisive manner in addressing and solving problems. And our community is grateful for this.”

Prefect Carnevale underlined the importance of citizen collaboration during the G7: “These were intense days, of great tension and responsibility. We experienced everything in the most noble, enthusiastic and proud way. The mayor thanked me, but today I am the one who thanks you, in this temple of democracy that is the City Council. You represent all the citizens of Fasano who in these days have faced everything in a collaborative manner, despite the inconveniences. We never recorded moments of tension because there was great understanding and the awareness that we were working not only for a unique event, but above all to give the world a postcard of these places that have acquired even greater value. I promised myself to visit all the mayors of the province and I could not help but start from Fasano, from the city that gave the highest contribution to the world-class event. I am proud to be the Prefect of Brindisi and for this I renew my thanks to you as an institution and as a citizen”.

Mayor Zaccaria thanked the officials, the Civil Protection, the police and all those who contributed to the success of the G7, defining the work carried out as “a great machine that worked perfectly”. The event ended with the delivery of a commemorative plaque to the Prefect, a symbol of the gratitude of the city of Fasano.

Photo service by Mario Rosato.

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