Italy 24 Press News

Matera, extraordinary health plan for the Bruna festival

On the occasion of the festivities for Maria Santissima della Bruna scheduled for next week, the Local Health Authority of Matera has prepared an extraordinary operational plan that strengthens the health response and the reception capacity for any hospitalizations to be made under an emergency regime. The plan developed for the Festa della Bruna increases the hospital health response capacity, in the city of Matera, through a reinforcement of the personnel in service and on call, as well as the possibility of activating available personnel among doctors, nurses and social health workers.

“The plan – states the Extraordinary Commissioner of the ASM, Maurizio Friolo – is consistent with the company objectives of strengthening the response capacity for emergencies and urgencies and for time-dependent pathologies. It also aims to reduce the probability of overcrowding and the risks of related adverse events, including conflicts and aggression as well as ensuring a good perceived quality of clinical care pathways. To respond to the foreseeable greater influx of people into the city during the period of the patron saint’s day, strategies have been adopted to improve the accommodation capacity of the departments to give the best possible response to the patient and avoid crowding in the emergency room and therefore guarantee better quality and satisfaction for users and staff”.
Furthermore, the ASM has adopted courtesy lists to be activated in the event of major events, as foreseen by the Emergency Plan in the event of a Massive Influx of Injured (PEMAF). The plan presented to the Committee for Public Order and Safety meeting in the Prefecture in Matera was signed by the Hospital Health Director of the Madonna delle Grazie, Gaetano Annese and by the Hospital Disaster Manager, Margherita Maragno, and will be active from the first to the third of July with the establishment of a crisis unit made up of several members and a strengthening, beyond the ordinary, of the 118 service and the Emergency Department.

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