Italy 24 Press News

in one year 13 services dedicated to the fragile

Florence, 28 June 2024 – The atmosphere at the meeting for the passing of the bell between the outgoing president and the president of the Republic could not have been more pleasant last night. Emanuel Amodei and the new president Raoul Masini. The protagonists of the evening, however, were the members of the Rotary Club Florence Lorenzo the Magnificent, almost entirely present, and the guests who wanted to celebrate the work of the Florentine Rotary Club with their applause and participation. “An important moment – explained Amodei – is that of the passing of the bell and the traditional collar, which takes place every year between the outgoing and incoming president. In fact, these are two founding symbols, which testify to the passing – continuous because annual – from old to new, generating a perpetual and constructive movement that emulates that of the wheel, the symbol of Rotary International, which is about to end and which saw me as president – ​​continued Amodei – we participated in ten cultural events that they allowed us to deepen and consolidate the friendship between members and to complete 13 social and health services, for a total of 21,500 euros. Just a few examples: our services have involved CUI i Ragazzi del Sole, Precious Hands – for the financing of health services in Togo -, Voa Voa Amici di Sofia Aps, Artemisia, Progetto Libellula and LILT.” The beautiful voice of singer Linda Gambino enlivened the evening, which ended with the awarding of the Paul Harris (Rotarian highest honor) to Stella Nomascolo, Silvia Guetta, Giuseppe Santo, Pino D’Aliesio and Carlo Steinhauslin.

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