Italy 24 Press News

“Trade with China to intensify from 2026”

Emilia-Romagna leaves Shanghai, but it’s just a goodbye. The Port of Ravenna, protagonist at the “Transport Logistic China 2024” fair, from 2026 it will expand freight traffic with China. Ship connections will be intensified and many Chinese operators will choose the Ravenna port as the most convenient landing place thanks to the rail connections with Northern Europe. This is, in short, the result of the institutional mission of the Region led by the regional councilor for Infrastructure, Trade and Tourism, Andrea Corsini, which focused on participation in one of the most important fairs in the logistics sector of the country, a reference point for the Asian market, which took place in Shanghai from 25 to 27 June. “Thanks to the important investments of the Region in the Port of Ravenna, over 700 million euros between Rfi, AdSP, Cipe, Eib and Pnrr funds – comments Corsini -, now we have the cards in order to accredit the Port of Emilia-Romagna as a strategic hub for the development of international freight traffic. Not to mention the imminent construction of the new container terminal that will develop new lines for freight transport capable of further strengthening the positioning of the Port. And the interest of many Chinese operators in Shanghai, the increase in connections from 2026, demonstrate that we are on the right track.”. “Our strategy on sea and rail logistics, which is more sustainable and has less impact on the territories, can allow us a balanced development – closes the councilor -. Now the Government needs to accelerate with the green light for the establishment of the simplified logistics zone to allow Emilia-Romagna to continue to be the locomotive of the country”.

To accompany Corsini to Shanghai, the councilor of the Municipality of Ravenna a Economic development, trade, industry, port, Annagiulia Randirepresentatives of the Itl Foundation (Institute of transport and logistics) which promotes the system of intermodal platforms in Emilia-Romagna at a national and international level, and some members of the regional intermodal cluster Eric: Port Authority of Ravenna (present the operations director Mario Petrosino), Sapir Spa (Terminal Operator of the port of Ravenna, The president, Riccardo Sabadini, was in Shanghai), TCR- Terminal container Ravenna and DP Dinazzano-Po Spa, railway yard and logistics platform. B2B meetings were held in the large stand of the Region with about fifteen important Chinese logistics and transport companies, as well as with representatives of the GdL “Logistica” (Distribution & Logistics Group) of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in China.

Among Councilor Corsini’s meetings, those with the Consul General of Italy in Shanghai, Tiziana D’Angelo, the Deputy Consul, Alessandra Palumbo, responsible for the commercial part; the ICE director of Shanghai, Augusto di Giacinto, the deputy commissioner for ICE trade, Cinzia Sarli, and with the deputy general director Shen Weihua of the Shanghai Trade Commission.

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