Italy 24 Press News

‘Briglia d’Oro’ 2024 to Marco Baroni: the award ceremony in Siena on July 8th

There are just a few days left until the annual appointment with the ‘Golden Bridle’the Siena football event promoted by AIAC, Siena Section Football Coaches Association, which will be held on Monday July 8 in Siena, at the location The Vaults of Vico Bello (Viale R. Bianchi Bandinelli, 14). During the XXXI edition of the football award, the highest recognition of the evening, the Briglia d’Oro, will go to mister Marco Baroni, coach of Lazio.

During the evening, other prizes and recognitions will be awarded to local professionals and coaches who stood out for their results during the last championship. Here is the list of all the winners: Francesco GiuntiniCasolese Society, winner of the women’s Excellence championship; David BurresiS. Gimignano, winner of the Provincial Junior Championship; BishopricHistoric promotion to the second category; CampigliaDouble (Championship and Cup) and historic promotion to the second category; Maurizio Madioni, Gozzini Lifetime Achievement Award. During the evening, the Golden Microphone to a professional who has worked hard to promote amateur football in Siena.

The traditional deliveries, by Sport Siena, will not be missing. Ballon d’Or to Bernardo Masini, best player of the 2023/2024 season, and the Golden Shoe which will go to William Mignanitop scorer in all amateur championships (US Pianese).

Bernardo Masini

The event will also be possible thanks to the precious support of the evening’s sponsors, including Stosa Cucine and its president Maurizio Sani, who has supported the football event with commitment and passion for decades.

William Mignani

The day’s program includes an internship, starting from 6 pm, held by Mister Marco Baroni and open only to qualified technicians. The aperitif will follow, starting from 7.30 pm, and the dinner, from 8.30 pm onwards. The dinner is open to the public and reservations are possible by contacting the number 3804304698 or by writing an email to: [email protected]

Further information on the event is available on the Facebook page and on the website

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