Italy 24 Press News

How is the new project of the cruise port of Fiumicino: “More environmental protection”

New cruise port of Fiumicino, final stages for the environmental impact assessment VIA that a commission of technicians at national level is carrying out on the project variant. The concessionaires of the work wanted to illustrate the contents of the changes made to the original project, highlighting the advantages that the variant will bring especially in terms of environmental protection.

The designers of the new cruise port, under technical evaluation, respond to observations on the level of pollution it could cause to Fiumicino

The meeting, attended by a group of entrepreneurs from the Roman coast together with the mayor of Fiumicino, Mario Baccini, took place in the carriage room of the QC Termeroma resort. The event was organized by the Il Timone committee while the CEO of the Fiumicino Waterfront concessionaire was responsible Galliano Di Marco and to the project implementer on behalf of the local administration, Eng. Max Guides, was responsible for illustrating the salient aspects of the changes. Doing the honors, as well as don Muzio Cesarini Sforzaowner of the location, the president of the Il Timone Committee, Gianpaolo Nardozie Matthew DiMascio.

There is no doubt that the new marina, the cost of which is estimated at around half a billion euros, represents not only an element of impact that adds to an urban fabric, that of the Sacred Island, which is delicate and largely the result of construction so-called “spontaneous”. The work, although entirely carried out on the stretch of water between the old lighthouse and the Isola Sacra seafront, requires ground infrastructure that make it functional and have the least possible impact in terms of quality of life for residents. On the other hand, the advantages in terms of both direct and induced jobs but also in terms of support for the local economy are undoubted.

The jobs

Fiumicino Waterfront has entrusted the international management consulting and auditing firm Ernst & Young a study on the employment impact that the new cruise port will have on the city. According to the estimates communicated by Di Marco, in the construction of the work will employ around 8 thousand people While, Once the cruise and pleasure boating activities have started, there will be 5,300 new jobs.

The buildings near the port

Compared to the original 2009 IP (Port Initiatives) project, the 2023 Fiumicino Waterfront project in which the cruise dock was added, the building impact is reduced by approximately 37% going from the original 67,600 square meters to 42,500. The maximum height of buildings is also reducedfrom 40 to 22 meters, and improves the unobstructed view towards the sea (and 69 at 77%).

A Colosseum on the sea

The circular construction planned in the marina and already defined as the Colosseum on the sea is arousing curiosity. The structure is intended to house the command and organization offices of the cruise port. The hotel will be built next to it and on the pier connecting the landing stage and the cruise ship dock, an enormous covered square will be built.We have the ambition to create the most beautiful marina in Italy – promises Di Marco – Our references are the renovated Porto Antico of Genoa and the ports of Antibes and Monaco”.

The circular building, formerly called the Colosseum, and, in the background, the hotel, in the plans for the Fiumicino cruise port

How many cruise ships per day?

Regarding cruise ship traffic, the concessionaire indicates that cruise ship traffic, made up exclusively of Royal Caribbean vessels, will be limited to just one passage every three-four days. To prevent the enormous motor vessel from keeping its engines running throughout the stopover, resulting in a significant production of CO2 and therefore pollution, the dealers have already contacted Terna for the construction of the electrified cruise dock: once at landfall, the engines of the ship will be turned off and all the equipment will be powered by the low voltage cabin.

Obviously, not only cruise ships will dock in the Port of Fiumicino but also other vessels. The focus is on mega e giga yacht (over 40 meters long) and to super yacht (from 25 to 50 meters) in addition to the smaller pleasure craft and the sailing school. All for a total of approximately 1200 berths.


One of the most delicate chapters concerns thehydrogeological impact that the work could have, considering the delicate nature of the coast between the two mouths of the Tiber. The concessionaires assure that the studies would not demonstrate the triggering of erosive phenomena and that, indeed, the dredging of the basin first and its maintenance later, will guarantee sands that can be used profitably in particular on the shores of Fregene.

Initial dredging is expected to yield approximately 3 million cubic meters of sand (market value no less than 60 million) that will have to be poured to feed the coast between Focene and Fregene. The Municipality of Fiumicino asks that the operation be carried out by sea and not by land trucks.

Aerial view of what the area of ​​the old Fiumicino lighthouse looks like today and what it will be like with the new cruise port

The green

According to the designers, the variant in approval at the start foresees a larger area of ​​public greenery: between parks and gardens, the new port covers 135 thousand square meters compared to the original 75 thousand.

There is also talk of create a forest in the area between the maritime state property and the urbanized city and in this regard, the agronomist’s suggestion was recorded Valentino Della Porta: implement the green component to also improve the environmental balance in terms of carbon credit.

The impact on traffic

Regarding the issue of mobility, already severely tested in the territory especially for transit to and from the airport, the concessionaires do not show particular concern. “A study on traffic related to cruise operations – it has been explained – showed a maximum flow of around 212 vehicles spread over four to five hours. An impact of just 4% on the existing one”. The theme of large tourist buses that bring cruise ship guests to visit Rome remains.

We have initiated contacts with the Metropolitan City to develop the second branch of the Rome-Lido up to Fiumicino – reports the engineer. Massimo Guididelegate for the implementation of the project on behalf of the Municipality of Fiumicino – Then the old project included an urban planning agreement with works to be paid by the concessionaires for about 10 million euros. The agreement with Anas to build a connecting road between via dell’aeroporto and via Trincea delle Frasche has been announced just a few hours ago”.

The new dealers declare themselves ready to pay 15 million euros to the administration for the road improvements to be made in the quadrant and also suggested theapplication of a landing fee to be paid to the Municipality of Fiumicino equal to a sum between 3 and 5 euros per passenger.

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