Italy 24 Press News

Pescara, «Fields devastated by wild boars». Coldiretti marching with tractors

Yesterday, thousands of Coldiretti farmers, on foot and with tractors, marched to say “no” to the one hundred and fifty thousand wild boars – this is the figure estimated by some organizations – that in the region are creating more than a few problems for the entire sector, also compromising road safety. In Pescara, the farmers arrived in the early hours of the morning, with organized buses and other means, to meet at 9 in Piazza della Repubblica. From here, a march on Corso Vittorio Emanuele, closed to cars, under the aegis of the local police. “The problem is serious, the time for answers has come,” Pietropaolo Martinelli, president of Coldiretti Abruzzo, said into a megaphone. “It is necessary,” he added, “to immediately apply at a regional level the measures provided for by the inter-ministerial decree for the adoption of an extraordinary plan for the management and containment of uncontrolled wild fauna. We ask that in Abruzzo the active involvement of owners and managers of land with a hunting license and the establishment of a corps of voluntary guards be provided for”. The President of the Region, Marco Marsilio, and Councilor Emanuele Impudente, who met with Martinelli, also spoke on the topic. “As a Region – explained Marsilio – we have adopted a plan that in Abruzzo provides for 28 thousand culls involving all territorial hunting areas, hunting associations, as well as other competent authorities”. The Vice President of the Regional Council, Antonio Blasioli, also took part in yesterday’s demonstration. “We will verify – he underlined – that the commitment to implement at a regional level the measures provided for by the interministerial decree of last June is respected, that is, bringing the containment plan proposed by Coldiretti to the Council within a couple of months”.


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