Italy 24 Press News

Fight against drought, over 32 million euros to Calabria

«Five loans for a total of 32.4 million euros have been allocated to Calabria by the Ministry of the Environment, as part of the first implementation phase of the resources allocated at the national level to combat drought as defined in the water plan».

This is what the Hon. says. Wanda Ferro (FDI), Undersecretary of the Interior.

Of the funding requested by the Calabria Region, 20.2 million are intended for interventions on the dam on the Gross torrent in Siderno (implementing body is the Alto Ionio Reggino Reclamation Consortium); 3.3 million are intended for repairs to the river crossing in the Savuto river in San Mango d’Aquino (implementing body is the Tirreno Catanzarese Reclamation Consortium); 5.3 million for interventions on the safety of the Farneto del Principe Dam in Roggiano Gravina (implementing body is the Consortium for the integral reclamation of the northern Cosentino basins); 1.3 million for improvement and seismic adaptation interventions of the Redisole dam in San Giovanni in Fiore and 2 million for extraordinary maintenance and safety interventions of the Votturino dam in Serra Pedace (implementing party is the Consortium for the integral reclamation of the southern Cosentino basins ).
“The significant investment in interventions aimed at improving the safety and efficient management of water resources – comments Undersecretary Wanda Ferro – demonstrates the Meloni government’s commitment to preventing damage caused by drought, supporting agriculture and protecting natural resources”.

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