Italy 24 Press News

“Enough discrimination, we want the right pay”

The workers of the Battistolli Counting Room in Cesena crossed their arms for the entire work shift, loudly demanding “the correct application of the National Collective Labor Agreement and the right remuneration”. “Enough discrimination” is the clear message that comes from the protest organized by Filcams Cgil, Fisascat Cisl and Uiltucs Uil which took place on Thursday morning in front of the Battistolli Group Counting Room in Montaletto. “Enough subordination, the workers ask for the right pay and recognition of the right level – exclaim Ana Laura Cisneros (Filcams Cgil Forlì Cesena), Michele Dall’Ara (Fisascat Cisl Romagna) and Maurizio Milandri (Uiltucs Cesena) -. They earn a year about 20% less than their male colleagues and this is not acceptable. At today’s demonstration, which was held on the occasion of the first of the two full days of strike, some security guard colleagues were also present who support the workers’ struggle”.

“The story of the Sala Conta in Cesena began in 2016 when the company decided to apply two different contracts within the same workplace – continue the trade unionists – a national collective agreement signed by the most representative unions for those who carry out the transport of valuables and a contract with fewer protections and signed by trade unions less representative of Cgil, Cisl and Uil for the female employees of the Counting Room. Subsequently, the national collective labor agreement for Private Surveillance signed by Cgil, Cisl and Uil returned to being. also applied for the employees of the Counting Room but with a sub-classification. After the strike and the demands of the workers who decided to break the silence, employees and unions are asking for a meeting with the company to finally see the fourth level recognized also for the women. workers in the Counting Room as happened until 2016” –

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