Italy 24 Press News

1st July demonstration in Cesena

Unions break off negotiations with agricultural cooperatives and announce a strike day for Monday, July 1st, with a presence from 10am to 12pm in Cesena (in front of the Concooperative headquarters in via dell’Arrigoni 308). “Five months after the opening of the negotiations – we read in the note – between FAI CISL-FLAI CGIL and UILA UIL and Agci-Arital, Fedagripesca-Confcooperative and Legacoop-Agroalimentare, they were interrupted on 13 June, in the late evening, during the plenary meeting, the negotiations for the renewal of the CCNL for employees of agricultural cooperatives and consortia, which expired on 31 December. Absolutely insufficient responses from the employers’ side, represented by important companies in the Forlì and Cesena area such as Ma. Ga.Ma, Apfruit Forli-Cesena and Longiano, Orogel, Amadori, Agrentità, Granfrutta Zani, Clai, Terremerse, Gruppo Cevico, Caviro, Cafar, Cooperativa Agricola Cesenate, Gruppo Martini, Copra, the Cantine Sociali especially on the salary issue. The unions, reiterating the centrality of the economic increase in this renewal, have highlighted that the honest request for an increase of 210 euroscontained in the union platform, aims to safeguard wage growth for the next four years, also recovering the loss of purchasing power of wages strongly eroded by the inflationary inflame of recent years. The workers of the cooperative agricultural sector are those who during the pandemic were considered fundamental because they guaranteed food on the tables of Italians and have the right, as happened in the contractual renewals of other agro-industrial sectors, to see their dignity, commitment and the value of their professionalism recognized, increasingly precious for a sector that, especially in the last year, shows a difficulty in finding manpower and a dispersion of professionalism

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