Italy 24 Press News

Appeal from Corso Umbria: bigger trees against high temperatures – Turin News

After the order of the Court of Turin on the trees of Corso Belgio, which saw a partial victory for the citizens against the felling of the maples, a new appeal from the residents of Corso Umbria that they requested, through the Dora Spina Committee 3which are planted along the entire course, new treeslarger than the small pear trees currently present, not sufficient to face the hot summer months.

Here, in fact, during 2023, a project was created redevelopment intervention which saw the replacement of the maples, now judged to be at the end of their life by the Municipality, with pear trees of decidedly smaller dimensions. This choice, according to the Dora Spina 3 Committee, has generated negative effects on the residents of the area: «The intervention in Corso Umbria has led to a increase in seasonal maximum temperature values ​​of two degreescapable of harming the applicants’ right to health”, declared the same Committee.

In a letter to the mayor Stefano Lo Russo written by the members of the Committee it reads: «The new pear trees on Corso Umbria are smaller than the pre-existing ones and have a foliage inadequate to provide benefits to the population. Furthermore, some new plants appear to be in poor condition: we therefore ask that the suffering saplings be replaced with trees capable of carrying out the function of storing Co2, removing pollutants, shading and lowering the temperature and that the same criterion be used for future interventions.”

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