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Corriere dello Sport: “Brunori’s goals again at the heart of the new Palermo”

Today’s edition of “Il Corriere dello Sport” focuses on Palermo and Brunori’s future.

From Brunori to Nikolau, Palermo begins to organize its pawns. The change in the center forward, announced in a press conference by De Sanctis (“he’s staying, he’s part of Palermo’s project”), seems to close a case (but be careful, the market is often an unpredictable monster) perhaps magnified given that in neither of the two parties was there a position of rupture or impatience. Matteo is therefore preparing to be the offensive point of reference for a team that will certainly change the way it presents itself with Dionisi.

And from this point of view there is interest in understanding how the coach wants to exploit the potential of a striker who scored 66 goals in 3 seasons. At the moment, however, the Rosanero’s attention has shifted to the defense to be supported, with players who are physically strong and offer guarantees: while the latest talks surprisingly distance Ferrari, attracted by Serie A offers, Palermo has decidedly veered towards an equivalent solution, namely the Greek Dimitrios Nikolau (25), another ex of Dionisi who coached him in Empoli, winning a championship there. The centre-back today at Spezia, under contract until 2027, followed by Segre’s agent himself, is a specific target: Soleri, a striker who the Ligurians don’t like very much from today, could also enter the negotiation.

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