Italy 24 Press News

Serie B – Gemini Mestre, from Pielle Livorno signed by Andrea Lo Biondo

After the confirmation of Simone Aromando, the Gemini inserts another piece of its chessboard, it’s about Andrea Lo Biondoa 2.04 meter tall wing born in ’98 who has played for Pielle Livorno in the last two seasons where he has always been a protagonist with very substantial seasons, including the last one concluded with an average of almost 12.8 points and almost 6 rebounds per game, figures produced by good shooting averages where 84% from free throws and 60% from 2 stand out.

Lo Biondo is to be considered a big man of great concreteness and experience, before 2 years in the Pielle shirt he in fact won a promotion to Serie A2 with the Fortitudo Agrigento shirt and he also had American experience having studied at the Miles Community College in Montana. School from Varese, a team with which he also experienced the Serie A before completing his training in the States, Lo Biondo was coach Cesare Ciocca’s special observer in the 22/23 playoffs when Gemini met Pielle Livorno in the playoff semi-finals which coincided with the team’s return to Taliercio after 35 years.

Despite the departure of a symbolic player like Edoardo Caversazio – who for family reasons has chosen to rescind – the confirmation of Aromando and the arrival of a player of great caliber like Lo Biondo are a clear sign that Gemini Mestre and the entire Consorzio Progetto Mestre want to continue to dream big.

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