Italy 24 Press News

Alma, these are decisive times but the future is an unknown

These are crucial hours at Alma to try to complete the necessary documentation to apply for repechage and registration for the Eccellenza championship. By June 30, which is a Sunday, the company in via Toscanini is required to have in hand the players’ releases in exchange for payment of their dues, releases that are an essential requirement to attach to the documentation to be sent to the Federation in the next few days of July. Yesterday and today therefore the president of the Granata club Salvatore Guida is meeting the players who still have to be paid for the last five months – from January to May, because the June compensation can be paid later – namely Gonzalez, Coulibaly, Urbinati, Zanni, Padovani, Mancini, Tomassini, Dubaz and Guerrieri in addition to the technicians Manoni and Rondina, while with the others the dispute has already been closed.

We will have to see if President Guida will have time to get everyone’s signature, in person or remotely, otherwise the fate of Alma risks being hanging by a thread. The best thing would be to be able to send the releases by this afternoon, with the Federation offices open, in order to be certain that everything went well, but if there were to be problems in the negotiations with the players then the issue would it would complicate and the danger could really arise that Alma no longer has what it takes to be able to register for any of the next championships in July. An eventuality that has always been averted in their statements by both the president of the Guida club and the new mayor of Fano Luca Serfilippi.

On the front of the municipal administration, which must issue the authorization for the use of the “Mancini” stadium, also by the 8th July deadline for submitting the repechage application, absolute silence reigns. Mayor Serfilippi, who had declared that he wanted to summon President Guida himself to find out how the Roman entrepreneur intends to take the company forward, must be busy with completely other matters, given that nothing more is known about the meeting. The fans of Fano are rightly worried about the fate of the city’s most glorious sports club, but between the disinterest of the Municipality and the company’s delays, the Granata club really risks disappearing forever.

Sil. cla.

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