Italy 24 Press News

the process that Lazio will have to follow

PRESS REVIEW – The Lazio, yesterday, formally moved by requesting a meeting with the Municipality through a certified e-mail in order to present and discuss the Flaminio project. A step forward which will be followed by others, first of all the setting of a date on which the parties will see each other. The documents that will have to be presented, reports Il Corriere dello Sport, are the architectural and economic-financial plan in order to recover the structure and make it available to accommodate 50 thousand seats, with adequate coverage and infrastructure to be able to reach the facility. An investment of around 250 million euros, part of which could be financed by partners.

Subsequently, the offices of the Department of Sport of Rome Capital will evaluate the solidity of the documents and if the outcome is positive, the preliminary conference of services will be constituted. Then, the passage to the Council to obtain approval. In this phase, explains the newspaper, Lotito will receive back the project with the observations and any changes to be made to the original plan. When the parties have aligned, there will be the actual executive project that will lead to a decision-making conference. The public notice of tender, the concession for use and the start of the works will be the last steps if everything proceeds in the right direction. The goal is to be able to lay the foundations by 2026, the year in which the current administration’s mandate will expire.


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